The Absent Corporation

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The resistable rise of the Absent Corporation

The resistable rise of the Absent Corporation

I have tried to launch some kind of award system over the 18 months or so since the publication of my Tickbox book - really just by writing about it a great deal, and by nominating companies that richly deserved it, like Hermes or British Gas. Now it looks like there...

‘Super’ tax break for the company sucking life from high streets

‘Super’ tax break for the company sucking life from high streets

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The test and trace crisis reveals why capitalism isn’t working

The test and trace crisis reveals why capitalism isn’t working

Lindsay Mackie, Andrew Simms and David Boyle argue that the UK test and trace debacle shows why capitalism - critics of which are now banned from school educational materials - isn't working The testing crisis in which we are now engulfed could easily - like the...

How the AA was hollowed-out by Anglo American economics

How the AA was hollowed-out by Anglo American economics

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Altocumulus at many layers (a chaotic sky).