There is a truism about fish, who are said not to wonder overmuch about the nature of the water they are in, simply because they are swimming in it. I have to say I find that pretty unlikely. There would be many other reasons why they might not think about it - fish...
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The abuse of ‘progress’
Bill McGuire is astonished at how a system of economic self-destruction still carries the label of 'progress', after long ago being called-out... Enjoying one of the seminal works on self-sufficiency - The Fat of the Land by John Seymour; first published in 1961 and...
Finance Shrugged: 10 years on, will the banking crisis happen again?
Book: Finance Shrugged: 10 years on, will the banking crisis happen again? When: Weds 9th August 2017; 18:00 – 20:00 Where: Congress House, TUC Congress Centre, 28 Great Russell St, London, WC1B 3LS On the day ten years ago, when inter-bank lending froze and the Great...
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This pamphlet looks at how the UK is unprepared for a new era of crises and disasters. To illuminate the national predicament we look at lessons from recent history, and what we can learn, often from countries in the Global South, about the kind of local planning required and resources needed to be ready for when storms and other disasters strike near where we live.
We are pleased to work with…