Systemic corporate failures are leaving our glass of milk half empty... There's a milk and butter shortage threatened, who would have thought it? And it's accompanied by the usual, willfully ignorant media jokes about the French croissant becoming a rarity. Morrisons...
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New: modern folk tales from top scientists, economists, ecologists & activists
Knock Twice: is a new collection of 25 modern folk tales for troubling times by a group of leading scientists, economists, environmentalists and policy experts and activists. Realising the limits of facts and policy alone to change the world, an innovative group of...
Can any country opt-out of Google?
Nations may opt-out of the EU, and regions out of nations, but is corporate power inescapable? Lindsay Mackie reports on a vital, missing debate Is corporate power a danger to democracies? This was the key, under-considered question that the New Weather Institute...
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This pamphlet looks at how the UK is unprepared for a new era of crises and disasters. To illuminate the national predicament we look at lessons from recent history, and what we can learn, often from countries in the Global South, about the kind of local planning required and resources needed to be ready for when storms and other disasters strike near where we live.
We are pleased to work with…