Economics associations from Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic stage the first international conference on the 33 Theses 'Deconomisation' - definition - noun: undoing the hold over society of a single, dominant economic approach It was 29 years since I...
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The economics of gobbling
Shouting ‘look over there’ while getting on with something nefarious over here is a tried and true tactic. So as the genuine scandal of the appalling Cambridge Analytica unfolds, it’s worth looking at what else is happening. Which brings us to Melrose. This company is...
Why a warming world blows hot and cold
Bill McGuire writes that as weather extremes increase, even some new, more optimistic projections show the world busting climate safety lines... While the UK and much of Europe was in the grip of the beast from the east, the high Arctic basked in unprecedented...
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This pamphlet looks at how the UK is unprepared for a new era of crises and disasters. To illuminate the national predicament we look at lessons from recent history, and what we can learn, often from countries in the Global South, about the kind of local planning required and resources needed to be ready for when storms and other disasters strike near where we live.
We are pleased to work with…