by New Weather | 10 May 2016 | Blog
Being poor is an expensive lifestyle. When you can’t afford things most people take for granted you have to find unusual, costly ways around. So, if you don’t have a washing machine you have to use a Laundromat – this costs about a tenner for one load to be washed and...
by New Weather | 29 April 2016 | Blog
It was nine o’clock in the morning on the second day of Universal Credit running in my borough. After some confusion at the main desk I was directed to the room now designated as Universal Credit area. It was surreal: fresh paint, brand-coloured balloons,...
by New Weather | 19 April 2016 | Blog
Meet our heroine – talented, lively, hard working, striving and ambitious. A Londoner. With a deal of bad luck in her life but also acts of kindness and support, for instance a lot of random but interesting internships. A desire to do well and to change the world for...