by Andrew Simms | 3 August 2020 | Badvertising, Projects
‘Badvertising’ is a new campaign to stop adverts fuelling the climate emergency. This includes ads for cars, airline flights and fossil fuels. We ended tobacco advertising when we understood the harm done by smoking. Now we know the damage done by fossil...
by Andrew Simms | 10 June 2020 | Blog
We need an open public competition to update our national monuments, remove imperial injustice and celebrate a new generation of diverse heroes write Nick Robins and Andrew Simms The brutal death of George Floyd has triggered revulsion across the world, stimulating...
by Andrew Simms | 1 April 2020 | Blog, Rapid Transition
How often are ideas that once seemed radical and to some, even preposterous, made tame by the turn of events? That is the case now with the suggestion that Britain should experiment with National Gardening Leave, an idea suggested in a 2012 pamphlet I wrote with my...
by Andrew Simms | 22 March 2020 | Blog, The Economics Reformation
It wasn’t clear at the time, but a couple of weeks ago I gave what is likely to be my last public talk for a while, reproduced below, at an event called Human Nature, organised by the Experimental Thought Co. Already it seems an age away, but even then our...
by Andrew Simms | 17 March 2020 | Blog, Rapid Transition
Nothing like the current upheavals around the world in the wake of the novel coronavirus, COVID19, have been experienced in peacetime. But societies have mobilised like this during conflict and mass conflagrations. Are there lessons to be learned, and could it lead to...