by Andrew Simms | 3 January 2017 | Blog
Each year the Financial Times conducts a survey of leading economists on the UK’s upcoming prospects. The New Weather Institute is part of that survey and predicts a bumpy ride. Here are the answers we gave on issues ranging from economic growth to Brexit, monetary...
by Andrew Simms | 10 November 2016 | Blog, Modern Folk Tales
This story is an extract from our new collection of 23 modern folk tales for troubling times There was a knock at the door… which is available now in print and as an e-book: Direct from The Real Press: There was a knock at the door… And from major online...
by Andrew Simms | 7 November 2016 | Blog, Modern Folk Tales, Projects
“Stories are one of the most ancient and most effective ways of making sense of the world,” wrote Philip Pullman in his foreword to There was a knock at the door… our collection of 23 modern folk tales for troubling times. It launched our initiative to promote...
by Andrew Simms | 27 September 2016 | Blog
We are the life we seek ‘out there’. Nobody suggests we could live there, but new excitement about potential life on Jupiter’s watery moon Europa, is a reminder of the damage we’re doing to the life beneath our feet and what we might do to take better care of it. This...
by Andrew Simms | 12 September 2016 | Blog
China and America’s joint commitment to ratify the Paris Climate Accord comes at a time when the UK’s own climate and energy policies appear at best in disarray, and worst at odds. Imagine you’re stuck in a burning building. Stay and you perish, but the complexity of...