by Andrew Simms | 15 June 2018 | Blog, Rapid Transition
Everything we make includes an element of design. But design isn’t limited to household objects, clothes or buildings, it influences whole systems that shape the way we live. The climate crisis and corrosive inequality tell us that the systems we have need a...
by Andrew Simms | 4 May 2018 | Blog, Modern Folk Tales
New Weather’s Sarah Woods adapts Das Kapital for BBC Radio 4, broadcast on the bicentenary of Karl Marx’s birth… LISTEN HERE: Das Kapital, the drama, until 4th June on BBC Radio i-player Marx’s Das Kapital is one of the most influential books...
by Andrew Simms | 29 April 2018 | Blog, Weather Bombs
Ripping-up his bank account as he writes, Bill McGuire says that banks are still pouring money into ‘extreme fossil fuels’ in the face of common sense, and what they already know about global warming, wrecking the climate for everyone, themselves...
by Andrew Simms | 24 March 2018 | Blog, The Economics Reformation
Economics associations from Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic stage the first international conference on the 33 Theses ‘Deconomisation’ – definition – noun: undoing the hold over society of a single, dominant economic approach...
by Andrew Simms | 8 March 2018 | Blog, Weather Bombs
Bill McGuire writes that as weather extremes increase, even some new, more optimistic projections show the world busting climate safety lines… While the UK and much of Europe was in the grip of the beast from the east, the high Arctic basked in unprecedented...